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約 帕 的 由 來
根據文獻記錄,約有3,500年歷史。在所羅門時代,約帕成為耶路撒冷向外通商的門戶。自利巴嫩浮海而來,用以建造聖殿的香柏木,正是在約帕古港上岸,然後運往耶路撒冷。以斯拉時代,重修所羅巴伯聖殿的同類木材,也是由約帕入境 ,可見約帕之港地位歷久不衰。
Origin of the company name
According to historical records, Joppa has a history of 3,500 years. In the time of Solomon, Joppa became the gateway for Jerusalem to trade with the outside world. The cedar wood that came from Lebanon to build the temple was landed at the ancient port of Joppa and then transported to Jerusalem. In the time of Ezra, the same wood used to rebuild Zerubbabel's temple was also imported from Joppa, which shows that Joppa's port status has lasted for a long time.
2 Chronicles 2:16. Ezra 3:7
When I was 19 years old, I attended a morning prayer meeting in the church and saw a vision in my mind, which said "The ancient city of Joppa". From that day on, God prepared grand goals and dreams for me.
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